Client Communication

Path To Success

Here's How You Can Find Anyone's Email

Using Email Search Platforms

Using Tips

Find Out Their:

1. Company's profile / websites
2. Twitter handles
3. LinkedIn Profile
4. Instagram Profile
5. YouTube Channel


Subject Line:
1. Big paraghaph
1. Unique / Short
2. Boring texts
2. Attention grabbing / catchy
3. Sounding salesy
3. Arises curiosity
4. Being needy
4. Not spammy / boring / click bait
5. No differentiating factor
6. Generalize

Deep Research

1. In the mail
1. Dig deeper on this receiver
2. Talk about them
2. What's his/her
3. About their business
3. Profession / Skills / Education / Location
4. How you came across it
4. Social presence / Family
5. What are the possible improvements
6. How can you be a help
7. Personal Touch
8. Make them feel important

On Formats

1. Direct to point
1. Simple / sounds professional
2. Bullet points
2. Organised / clear objective
3. As short as possible
3. Polite
4. Differentiating factor
5. Clean objective
6. Lastly easy call to action

- Missing Trending / Big Tech

Subject 1: [Name],You're missing out on potential audience

Hello [Name],
I came across your company today on YourStory. Fascinated by your company's story on yourstory, I went to check your website.
You guys are solving a big problem that existed in the financial sector.
Your everything looks fantastic, website, social handles, it's just one thing that got me thinking.
You don't run google or Facebook ads.
I think it is a great way to target your targeted audience.
Some of your competitors like __, __, are doing it already, but they have stated it very recently.
I am [Name], a Freelance Digital Marketing Specialist for 2 years now. I have run many digital ads and generated sales of over $22000.
Some of the clients I have previously worked with include, ___, ___, ___ e.t.c.
You can check my Portfolio Here: Link1, Link2
If you want I can give you a demo for 3 weeks.
Sounds good? I'm sure it does. Let me know what your calendar looks like this Thursday or Friday, I will try to set something up.

Subject 2: [Name],You Don't have social handles

Hey [Name],
Ran into your website today. Love the work that you guys are doing at [their company name].
Just a little amazed to see that you don't have social handles of your company.
Having a social presence is very necessary for this era of business. It gives free visibility in the market and even helps in targeting the right customers.
Your competitors like ___, ___ all have their social pages on different platforms.
I am a freelance social media marketer and strategist.
I have been managing many social media handles for a bunch of companies.
Here are some of the clients I have worked with ___, ___, ___.
If you want I am willing to do all your social media management for free for 3 weeks as a demo.
Sound fair, If yes, then revert to this mail and let me know when you are free this week.

Subject 3: Content Gives visibility

Hello [Name],
I ran into your website today. You are doing a great job by solving the problem in the Healthcare sector using Artificial Intelligence.
I just wonder why am I not able to see much content on your website.
There are very fewer blogs and articles on your website.
Content gives visibility in the market. And it is free marketing.
Your competitors are doing it.
I am a content writer, specializing in Health and tech niche writing.
I have written a Blog for your website. You can have a look here :
Link 1
Hope you will like it.
I love writing and have written over 120+ blogs, articles, etc.
Let me know how your calendar looks next week, I would be happy to set something up.

Subject 4: [Name], You are loosing followers

Hey [Name],
I came across your Instagram page "TheFinances".
Your posts regarding finances are very informative and helpful.
Your recent post regarding "taxes rules" was very helpful, I didn't know about it and was losing my money in taxes.
Just a little surprised to see that you don't have any reels on your page.
I think reels are a great way to reach a wider audience and grow your page in today's business era.
I am a freelance video editor and edit youtube, reels, and ad videos.
I made two reel videos related to your niche, for your page,
Hope you will like it.
If you give me an opportunity, I would to make videos for your page.
Let me know if you are free this Friday, and we can discuss more on the call.
Hope to hear from you soon.

- Made a better version of their product and gave it them for free

Subject 1: [Name], there is an issue

Hey [Name],
Got to know about your company via the Anglelist website.
Love what you guys are doing at [their company name].
Your website and social handles look amazing.
It just one thing which I was not able to find is the use of interactive designs and infographics in your posts.
The interactive designs and graphics just make your posts stand out.
I have made some of the posts for your Social pages
Post 1
Post 2
Post 3
Hope you like it.
I am a freelance graphic designer and social media marketer.
You can have a look at some of my work here.
Some of the clients whose social media I handle includes ___, ___.
I hope that sounds fair, I have the capacity for one more client in February and I would love to work with you.
Do revert to this mail or book a call at ( Calendly Link) to take this future.

Subject 2: A free gift for you

Hi [Name]
I have something for you.
I am Tejas, yesterday came to know about your startup via CrunchBase.
Being a finance content writer, I just love the work you are doing and the problem you are trying to solve in the finance industry.
Finance and numbers have always been my interest.
I love knowing and writing about personal finances, the stock market, startups, etc.
I have written a whole article for your startup, and it is :
- Plagiarism free
- Full researched
- Simple and crisp
You can have a look at it here: Link
I would love to become the face of your company's content writing, marketing, and management.
Sounds good? I'm sure it does. I have only three Strategy Call spots in June-so do book yours soon.

Subject 3: [Name], don't lose oppotunity

Hey [Name],
Congratulations on your first funding.
Yesterday I came to know about your company and what you guys are doing at [Company Name ].
The problem you guys are addressing is huge and has to be solved.
Checked your website and all other social handles.
I was just little amazed to see that you don't run ads.
Through ads, you can target your customers very easily and directly.
Your all competitors are doing it.
I am a freelance Digital Marketer and specialize in running Google, and Facebook ads.
I have created a Landing page for your ad, here have a look :
Link 1
Hope you will like it.
I have run many ad campaigns and generated over $23000 in sales.
I would love to work with you and become the face of marketing.
Sounds fair, Hope it is.
Let me know if you are free this or next week, we can get on a call and discuss more the business.

Subject 4: [Name], Return Gift for you

Hey [Name],
I have two gifts for you.
I came across your channel and videos today. I loved your content and the way you deliver it.
I am [Name], a freelance video editor, and content specialist.
And you are a great inspiration to me and behind me in starting a freelance carrier.
The Gift is: I have edited two videos for your channel,
Have a look at this :>
- Video 1
- Video 2
Hope you will like it.
I would to love to work with you.
You can look at my work here
Some of the previous clients I have worked with include ____, ___, ____,.
If you are free next week, let me know I will set up a call.
Hope to hear from you soon

Subject 5: Ad copy free for you

Hello Mukesh,
I came to know about your company via one of my friends.
I am a Professional copywriter, and specialised in writing, ads copy, email copy, and web copy.
I have written two ad copies for your ad, researching your website.
Hope you like it.
Here are some of my works:- Link1, Link2, Link3
You can view my portfolio here: -
Some of my previous clients are ___, ___, __,
Being in the marketing industry for over 3 years now, I have a good network, with some of the rebound marketers.
If you give me an opportunity, I would love to work with you.
I hope this sounds fair, and I know that you are super busy, but if you give me 20 minutes from your
schedule, I assure u, it will be worth it.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Thank you

Subject 6: Edited your videos for you

Hey Praful,
I am Rahul, a freelance video editor. And I mainly edit youtube and short videos.
I saw that you make videos about finances and accounting, which are very helpful.
If you give me an opportunity, I will give my best working as video editor with you.
I have edited two videos for your youtube channel.
Link 1
Link 2
Hope you will like it.
You can see some of my work here: Link 1, Link 2.
Some of the people I have worked with are ___, ____, ____.
If you want to more about me, you can have a look at my portfolio here.
Can we have a quick 5-10 minute call next week?
Shoot me an email, and I will set up a call at your convenience.
Warm regards,

- Found some Flaws / Mistakes in the clients Product

Subject 1: [name], you are losing majority customers

Hey [Name],
Your website looks amazing, the content on it, the concept, and the designs are all good.
The only thing which surprised me is that it is not mobile-responsive. And because of it, you might be losing a lot of potential customers.
In a country like India, there are much more mobile users as compared to big-screen users.
I am a freelance web Developer and web Designer. I make a website for clients and take care of all the management of the website.
I have made a web design for your website's first page, have a look :
Link 1
Hope you will like it.
I would love to work with you on your website.
You can see some of my work here: Link 1, Link 2.
Some of the clients I have worked with previously include ___, ____, ___.
Let's get on a call on this week's Friday. And after that, we can see where it goes from there.
Hope to hear back from you soon.

Subject 2:[name], Consistency tool for you

Hey [Name]
Your social handles about programming are awesome. I got to learn a lot from it.
There's just one thing that got to my surprise, your posts are not coming up on regular basis.
I know it is hard to keep up with making and posting.
You can make use of any scheduler or management website to strategize all your content and several social accounts.
I am [Name], a freelance social media manager, and I have built many social pages and currently managing it.
You can look at some of my work here: ____, ____, ____.
If you want to know more about me, here is my portfolio. [here].
I would love to work with you on your social handles.

Sounds good, sure it is. Do let me know when you are free this week, I will set up a call so we can have a conversation about your business.
Hope to hear from you soon.

Subject 3: [Name], let me give you more client via content

Hey [Name],
Came across your company's website the other day. Love the service you are providing.
There's just one thing that I found surprised me. Your Blogs are not reaching your potential clients.
Being a Content writer and startegies, I can see that your blogs are not SEO optimized.
I would say you just need to work on some 9 - 10 areas to get more traffic on your blogs.
Some of these include: -
- Point 1
- Point 2
- Point 3
and 6 to 7 others.
Your competitors are doing it, and their blogs are popping up in google search results.
I am Raj, a freelance content writer. I have a passion for writing and my niches are finance and technology.
As you are also in the finance niche, I would love to write for you.
Sounds good?
If yes, revert to this mail and let me know when you are free this week.
We can have more conversations on call.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Warm Regards

Subject 4: Your ads have total 9 flaws, correct it here

Hey [Name],
While scrolling Facebook I came across your ad today.
The ad design and Call to action are awesome. Post-click went to the landing page.
Being a Facebook ad and funnel builder, I was a little surprised to notice that there were some areas on the landing page need improvements.
Here are some of those:
-Point 1
-Point 2
-Point 3
and 6 to 7 others.
I am [Name], a freelance marketer. I build funnels and run campaigns for my client and make their sales.
I have generated over $20000 of sales for my clients.
I would love to work with you on your business marketing.
You can see some of my previous works here.
Let me know what your calendar looks like this week. I will set up a call and we can discuss more on it.
Hope to hear back from you soon.
Thank you.

- Posted Any Job Openings

Follow up 1

Hi {Name}
I believe that you've had a chance to read my previous mail, So, I thought it was a good time to check in with you again.
Have you had the chance to think about it?
I am happy to chat with you to answer any of the queries you may have.
Are you free this Friday?

Follow up 2

Hey {Name},
I know you are super busy, just wanted to circle back to know if you have got my mail.
And if you have a query related to my service or anything, I would be more than happy to answer.
Hope to talk Soon

Follow up 3

Hey {Name},
I hope you got my mail, just wanna check if is there any kind of requirement from your side.
And if you have questions or queries on anything, feel free to reach out.
I would be more than happy to resolve it.
Looking forward to hearing from you.

Follow up 4

Hello {Name}
I hope this doesn't seem creepy, But I see that you have read my previous email and visited my portfolio.
As stated in the mail, I believe I can be a great fit for all your social media management needs.
If you have any queries on my services/offering or anything, let me know, I would be more than happy to resolve it.
Looking forward to hearing back from you.

Follow up 5

Hello {Name}
I believe that you've had an opportunity to read my previous email and look at my portfolio, so I figured it'd be worth checking in with you again.
If you have any other queries or wanted to know more, I would be happy to have a quick chat at a time convenient for you.
What time would suit you best?

Follow up 6

Hi {Name}
I'm writing to follow up on my last mail regarding landing pages, hope you've had the chance to go through it.
Is there any place for my services now or am I too early?
If you have any queries, feel free to reach out anytime, we call have a conversation at your convenience time.
Looking forward to your response.

Follow up 7

Hy {Name}
I sent you an email a while ago regarding {your service}, and how we can be a great fit for you and your company.
If you'd like to hear about it in more detail, please let me know.
I would be happy to spend 30 min, to resolve all your queries.
Looking forward to your response.

Follow up 8

Hello {Name}
I reached out to you a few days ago regarding {whatever u told }.
I hope that you had a chance to go through it.
If you have any queries regarding it, I would be more than happy to answer them.
Let me know when you are free.

Follow up 9

Hey {Name}
I sent you an email a few days ago regarding { whatever u sent }, and havent't heard back from you, so thought of just checking on it.
If you had the chance to go through it, and have any queries, feel free to let me know.
I would be happy to answer all your questions.
Looking forward to hearing from you

Follow up 10

Hello {Name}
Hope all is well
I wanted to reach out to you regarding the mail I sent you a few days back.
I know how busy you are managing your business, still I believe that you've had the chance to go through my mail.
If you have any queries or questions do let me know.
I would be happy to answer it at your convenient time.

Few More Questions Answered

Building a personal brand helps establish your reputation, credibility, and unique identity in the freelance market. It differentiates you from others and attracts clients who resonate with your values and expertise.

Facebook groups provide networking opportunities, support, and a chance to connect with like-minded freelancers and potential clients. They also offer valuable insights and resources related to your industry.

Registering on multiple freelancing platforms increases your exposure to potential clients. Consider platforms like ATNO, Upwork, Fiverr, Freelancer, and others that align with your skills and target audience.

Expanding your client base requires proactive outreach. Utilize social media, attend networking events, participate in online forums, and leverage your existing connections to reach out to potential clients.

Collaborating with fellow freelancers opens opportunities for skill-sharing, joint projects, and expanding your network. Partnering with others can lead to new clients and provide a supportive community.

A Goto Platform For Self Made, Self Lifted And Aim To Be Self-Reliant.

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A Goto Platform For Self Made, Self Lifted And Aim To Be Self-Reliant.







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